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AcuTrans Aloft™

Aloft New approaches to your business and document workflow is what we had in mind. AcuTrans Aloft™ is the premiere solution for always accessible documents and media organization and daily workflow processes. continued


Aloft is an intuitive web application designed with the organizational requirements of the firm in mind. Menus are consistent and easy to read, with graphical icons for quick recognition. Training requires only a few minutes, and unlike our competitors, you will not need dedicated personnel to configure and maintain the system. Why wait to improve your organizational situation in several weeks when you can get started this afternoon?


Behind this easy-to-use interface exists an enterprise class system, utilizing premium hardware and software. The backbone of our system takes advantage of cutting-edge Apple Xserve servers with industrial strength security and stability. This hardware delivers UNIX-based strengths in data processing and massive storage capacity. The same hardware is utilized in resource intensive applications by large institutions and organizations worldwide, including supercomputer clusters by scientific research institutions and the US Army.


The technological advantage of Aloft lies in it being built from the ground up. Aloft was not limited by enterprise, proprietary, and boxed software systems and protocols, which had to be manipulated and patched to create functionality. Instead Aloft utilizes the same open source web application platform as to provide our customers with a powerful and scalable document management solution. The world's most powerful open source database, MySQL, provides instantaneous response to browsing and search results, capable of managing millions of project elements and document pages. MySQL powers many components of Yahoo, including Yahoo Finance and Yahoo Sports, and is also used extensively by Google.


Security in the development of Aloft has always been of paramount importance. Authentication utilizes strong encryption algorithms and 128-bit secure sockets layer (SSL) for your communication privacy and security. Significant actions including sign on, file upload, and file access events are logged with an associated IP address for an additional level of security.

Document Portability

Our customized templates utilize a powerful technology and workflow to create compact PDF documents for portability and access on nearly any device. Access all of your documents instantly, anytime, anywhere you can connect to the Internet.

One Great System

This dynamic system is designed with simplicity, offering an elegant and intuitive interface, based on a dense power and storage capacity system, using application and database technology with enterprise class strength, features, security, and stability.